Martin Berdini Mateo

Martin Berdini Mateo

I am a versatile Data Scientist who believes in continuous improvement processes. I create and manage Data Science pojects from problem statement to deployment.

I am passionate about Data Science and technology, and I try to bring value to data by mixing a broad variety of disciplines in the process of solving real-world problems. I strongly rely on mathematics and statistics methods to find patterns and solutions to deliver the best product in the shortest time.

I feel attracted to automatize repetitive daily tasks. I enjoy working with different programming languages and technologies such as Python, R, SQL, and Tableau.

I take care of the entire process of data mining, data cleaning, modeling and production deployment. Web scrapping, data base querying, statistical analysis, time series analysis, machine learning modeling, data visualization and automating tasks are part of my skillset.

When I find time and an interesting topic, I code and write in my blog.

~ See my CV ~